You’ve been trying to do this writing thing alone
… without feedback or support

So often, you feel like you don’t even know what you don’t know yet.

And it’s isolating to try to define your ministry by what everyone else is doing instead of what God has put on your heart.

You’ve tried spending money on the fancy website, but it isn’t connecting with your ideal reader.

And you’ve been through expensive training programs, intensives, masterminds, and conferences that threw too much at you too fast and lacked the personal connection you’re wired to need.

It would be easy to keep your words locked up safe in your journal, but that doesn’t move you forward, and certainly not where you know God wants to lead you.

You want to connect with and minister to your sisters in Christ through your words

But it’s about so much more than just the words. It’s about building real relationships and stewarding the message God has placed in your heart.

To get there you need someone you can quickly bounce ideas off of (and once or twice a month isn’t going to cut it).

You want a coach you can emotionally connect with who’s traveled this road before you and can gently guide you in the right direction—for you.

And the structure of knowing you’re going to meet with her on a regular basis, so you can confidently and consistently step into your calling.

Introducing the Write Beside You

Unlimited Coaching Program

You can have an experienced writing coach by your side.

Your own private cheerleader who hops on Zoom and is authentically excited about what you’re doing.

Someone who’s been through it all before, and is a sister HSP who understands how you’re wired.

Who not only helps your writing become more concise and clear, but also helps your heart come through your words — so you can connect better with your readers.

A coach who provides the understanding and low-key accountability you need, so you keep taking the next step forward and actually start enjoying what God has called you to do.

Whether you’re writing: 

    • Book Proposals
    • Emails
    • Landing Pages
    • Blog Posts
    • Podcast Intros & Outros
    • Printables
    • eCourses
    • Or your Website

You don’t have to do this alone.

“At first I wondered what I was actually going to get out of coaching. Since then, Cheri and I have worked on my books, reflection guide, landing page, and website together (which saved me time and money by avoiding doing it the wrong way). But the best part is to have that understanding with another writer who’s been through it all before and has the same kind of sensitivities. Who’s absolutely excited about what you’re doing. It feels like you’re the only project she’s working on.” 

Rhonda Abellera

Life Coach and author of Whisper in the Storm

You don’t have to do what you see everyone else in ministry and business doing

You can get results naturally through being your authentic HSP self and doing what God has called you to do.


No, it won’t be easy. But when you have an experienced guide to bounce ideas off, you have a safety net beneath you and you can write with confidence.


It’s like having “a coach in your pocket.”


You could do haphazard 1-hour sessions with other coaches for $300 a pop and end up getting nowhere.


But with ‘Write Beside You Unlimited Coaching’, you get quick 15-minute Zoom sessions whenever you need them and walk away with a clear next step, so you actually get things done.


You get little soundbites of coaching — and then you get down to business.


If you were trying to dig yourself out of a hole, it wouldn’t make sense to keep handing you shovels. You’d just end up stuck in a hole with a bunch of shovels.


Instead, you get one tool at a time with short, manageable steps that help you get where you want to go — without the overwhelm.


Also, as an HSP you need some time to process after each Zoom meeting.


That’s why between sessions, you can connect with me over Voxer (a messaging app) to continue the conversation and untangle any remaining questions — so that you never stay stuck.

“Before I committed to ‘Write Beside You’ coaching, I was afraid to take a risk on myself. And to be honest, I just didn’t feel worthy. But I realized if I didn’t invest in this, I wouldn’t be able to have the insight and support I needed to keep going in my business. Since joining, I’ve gained confidence. It’s a huge benefit to bounce my ideas off somebody as brilliant, gifted, and available as Cheri. The key difference is the Voxer availability. Nobody else is doing that. As I’m working, I can send a quick message about where I’m stuck, and she responds so quickly.  Best of all, I feel like I’m her favorite client, and I bet she makes everybody feel that way.”

Lori Margo

"Tracking God" Coach and Facilitator

Meet Your Coach: Cheri Gregory

Ever since my mother “indie published” my first book when I was just 2 years old, I’ve been enamored with writing. Now, I’m the co-author of five traditionally published books, co-host of Grit ‘n’ Grace—THE PODCAST, founder of Sensitive & Strong U, and an international speaker for women’s retreats and educational conferences.

As an author, podcaster, and speaker, I’ve made almost every mistake you could make when growing a ministry and business. Not because I wasn’t trying hard enough. (We HSPs know all about trying hard!) But because I was unknowingly working against my God-given HSP wiring.

I’ve been coaching Christian women in writing and business since 2005, and I love nothing more than helping HSPs focus their time and energy in a targeted way that energizes, rather than depleting them.

Whenever “the student is ready,” I’m always here to teach — without overwhelming you with too much information.

“At first, I was concerned about the money factor, and I wondered what I was going to get out of coaching. Now I can say for sure, it’s worth every single dime. You have to invest in what you want to grow in. Before, I was watching others to define the way I thought my ministry should go. Now with Cheri’s help, I’m enjoying doing what God has called me to do and it comes more naturally. She has this ability to see in you what you don’t see in yourself and helps you bring it out. When you trust your coach, and your coach loves you and wants what’s best for you, you feel safe. She gets me; she hears me; she sees me. And it feels so much better to be authentic to me.” 

Cheri Fletcher

Host of the "Your Spiritual Game Plan" podcast

What You Get in the Write Beside You
Unlimited Coaching Program

1-year access to: 


    • Unlimited 15-minute Zoom coaching sessions that move you forward
    • A resource library of video tutorials customized for you
    • Voxer audio and text support between sessions

What’s the investment?

One-Time Payment of $3,000 when paid in full

or choose

12 monthly installments of $300 per month

Want to learn more?

If you’re interested in enrolling, please book a 15-minute complimentary Zoom call to discuss your project(s) and answer any questions you may have about how the Write Beside You Unlimited Coaching Program can help you make the progress you’re seeking.

“I hesitated to sign up for Write Beside You Unlimited Coaching because I was so new in business and there wasn’t a lot of income yet.

But I realized, if I don’t invest in this, I’m not going to have the insight, knowledge, and support I need to keep going. I decided that it was worth whatever it took for me to be able to do this.

With Cheri’s coaching, I’ve been able to connect better with my readers while carrying out what God has called me to do through my words. Plus, with the new website copy we worked on together, I ended up getting clients, too!

I’m not sure I’d still be in business without the accountability, insight, and encouragement I’ve gotten from Cheri. She knows how I’m wired as an HSP. She challenges me to keep going, but doesn’t push me too hard. She knows how to go at a pace that works for me.

I love that we can connect on Voxer between our coaching sessions, so I can share when something goes well or I have a question. And it helps keep me excited, too.

The thing about Cheri and her coaching is she really goes the extra mile.”

Leslie Newman

"Better Boundaries, Better Life" Coach and Facilitator

Frequently Asked Questions

Is "Write Beside You Unlimited Coaching" worth the investment?

I get it, your ministry may not be bringing a lot of income yet. But here’s the deal…if you don’t invest in your business you won’t have the insights, knowledge, and support you need to keep going. And I know how badly you want it.


One of my Unlimited Coaching clients put it this way: 

“It’s like an empty tank. You’ve got to invest in the gas or you’re just gonna be sitting there. And when you look at the crazy amounts other people spend on coaching, growth seminars, leadership training, and weekend programs, the Unlimited Package that Cheri is providing is seriously well priced. And I really feel that it’s worth every dime.” — Cheri Fletcher

Will my work be good enough?

It takes a lot of vulnerability to share your writing. As an author of 5 traditionally-published books, I completely understand! And I also know how invaluable getting feedback and an outside perspective can be.


“It’s easy to feel discouraged in your writing because it’s such a personal thing. When you’re sharing from your heart, it feels vulnerable. But with Cheri, it never feels uncomfortable to take her my first draft. I come away energized about it and encouraged to keep going forward. It takes a special type of person to be that kind of coach.” — Leslie Newman

Am I ready for this?

It’s true that ‘Write Beside You Unlimited Coaching’ won’t be a good fit for everybody. But just because you’re new at this doesn’t mean you’re not a good candidate. In my 15+ years as a coach, I’ve seen time and again that it’s the writers with a growth mindset who see the best results, regardless of their experience level.

“When you sign up for coaching, you have to invite accountability into your business. And when somebody’s checking on me, and I have that accountability, I keep going. I would have found a way on my own, but it would have been slower…much, much slower.” — Lori Margo

You could continue trying to force-fit yourself into programs that push too fast, too hard … and end up feeling like you’re falling further and further behind

The truth is, there’s nothing wrong with you.

All you need is to partner with an HSP-honoring writing coach who’s been there.

And knows how to help you stay authentic to how God created you, as you step into your calling.

“The #1 difference is the relationship.
When you have the trust like Cheri does with her clients,
there’s so much you can accomplish.”
~ Rhonda Abellera

“I needed to realize I’d walked myself into a corner and couldn’t get out by myself before I could accept that. But once I started working with Cheri, she just asked me a few questions. And it was those questions that gave me the ability to turn around and get out of that corner. And that’s when I realized, I need her questions; I need her guidance; I need her coaching.”

Cheri Fletcher

Host of the "Your Spiritual Game Plan" podcast