And the Survey Says …
More than 250 women participated in the “Getting to KNOW Regret” survey.
The responses come not from a random sample but from a purposive sample — women who were subscribed to at least one of my email lists.
These women tend to be interested in topics explored in the books I’ve co-authored, such as:
- overcoming perfectionism, people-pleasing, and/or overwhelm
- thriving as an HSP (Highly Senstive Person)
- learning to embrace God’s grace
Below, you’ll find the major result graphs.
Thanks to all the amazing write-in responses, I’ll be developing a second — and far more precise — survey in the near future.

Curious about the
Candid Conversations about
Regret, Self-Recrimination, & Realizing
“It’s NOT All My Fault!”
group coaching pilot program?