All your life you’ve been told
you’re too much, too emotional, too sensitive

But the truth is, it’s not just them.

You can’t help but question whether there’s been some mistake.

When you read, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” in your head, you know that God knit you together with intention. 

But between your limited capacity, the constant overwhelm about things that others seem to take in stride and the extreme empathy and emotions that exhaust you…

You wonder if you’ll ever be able to truly embrace who God made you as an HSP without feeling that twinge of shame and frustration.

You want to feel comfortable and confident with who you are as a Highly Sensitive Person

But it’s about so much more than mere acceptance. It’s about building practical skills for doing life as an HSP.

You long to be able to recognize the real advantages of your HSP trait (yes there are many), and how to not only embrace them but to finally thrive! 

You desire to joyfully engage in your relationships without letting the twin toddlers of emotion and empathy overwhelm you.

To peel back the layers of uncertainty about why your heart and mind react to the people and situations around you the way they do. 

To learn how to protect your nervous system from over-stimulation without having to completely withdraw from life. And to finally dial in your unique level of functioning, so you can live your God-given purpose without the mental and emotional exhaustion of setting up camp in fight-or-flight.

You’ve been waiting and wondering for years … decades …  a lifetime…

Your transformation starts now!

Introducing the

“Growing Sensitive & Strong”

Self-Paced Pilot Program

It’s the life-changing program that moves you from “what’s wrong with me?” to comfortable and confident in who God made you as a Highly Sensitive Person.

With Growing Sensitive & Strong you can…

      • Get the tools you need to recognize your responses to everyday life as an HSP
      • Learn to process and release emotional overload (without getting stuck in overthinking)
      • Create more space and margin in your days, so you recover more quickly from the unexpected
      • Discover how to speak up and be more open with loved ones about your needs, while still maintaining your connection to them


And once you have the skills in your toolbox to gently embrace and care for your highly sensitive heart, something amazing happens… 

You start to have the capacity to think about how to joyfully serve and love others, too.

 “I sense a new vitality welling up within me to appreciate how God wired me, to feed what He’s placed within me so that it can overflow to encourage and equip others. Those opportunities are coming to me, and I am so grateful.”

Nancy Booth, Growing Sensitive & Strong alumna

You’ve tried everything to “fix” your sensitivity

From healthy living to Bible study, self-help, self-criticism, and even trying to force yourself to toughen up and be like everyone else.

But of course, those never worked because you, Dear Heart, are not broken.

God did not make a mistake when he created you.

Instead, when you enjoy the knowledge, support, and fellowship of Growing Sensitive & Strong, you’ll have everything you need to step into your purpose as the Highly Sensitive Person God designed you to be.

You were never meant to walk this journey alone.

And now you don’t have to.

“Through the program, I’ve grown in confidence in who God created me to be. My favorite part has been the camaraderie and interaction with other HSPs in the group coaching, and Cheri is so welcoming!” 

Carolann Rosenthal, Growing Sensitive & Strong alumna

Meet Your Coach: Cheri Gregory

As an easily-overwhelmed and highly reactive child, I received a clear message deep into my heart: “You’re just too sensitive.” 

As I grew up, I devoured the self-help shelves of Barnes & Noble. Attended church and Bible study enough to make any pastor proud. And sat in the front row taking notes at countless workshops, seminars, and retreats. But nothing seemed to “fix” my high sensitivity. 

And that’s when I finally learned, that’s because there was nothing wrong with me. My experience was well within the bounds of “normal” for the highly sensitive trait that 20% of the population shares.

As I’ve come to embrace and celebrate my God-given wiring and to learn tools to work with how He created me, my level of overwhelm has diminished greatly.

I’ve gone on to reach thousands of HSP Christian women as an author, speaker, and coach. In fact, two of my books are titled Overwhelmed and Sensitive & Strong. And in 2019, I founded The Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe. 

Now that I’ve quit trying to be like everyone else, I’m enjoying new-found freedoms that have brought me contentment, peace, and unexpected joy.

These same freedoms are waiting for you!

“From the first personal video I received to our last meeting, Cheri conveyed an openness and acceptance that brought gentle tears of joy to my eyes. She excels in clear and vibrant communication of the nuances involved in all things HSP. But the trait that stands out the most among all of her outstanding qualities is that she is ENCOURAGING! If you’re debating whether to join, JUST DO IT!”

Growing Sensitive & Strong alumna

“The Growing Sensitive & Strong”

Self-Paced Pilot Program

When you join, you get access to … 

    • 5 hours of on-demand video teaching, divided into short easy-to-watch chunks
    • Transcripts of all instructional videos
    • Reflection Guides for each lesson, plus super-practical tracking sheets and application exercises

Program dates

    • Live feedback & support begins October 1 and runs through December 31, 2024.
    • You’ll have lifetime access to all materials.

Select your preferred pricing option below:

“Before coming to Growing Sensitive & Strong, I had tried spiritual direction, reading, and was always trying to “improve” myself, but I still found myself overthinking EVERY feeling! Now, I have the freedom to ask for what I need to strengthen myself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually! I’m listening to my body and its needs more. I know I am normal, and I am loved! If you feel you may have the HSP trait and want to understand yourself better, from a Christ-focused perspective, this program is for you!” 

Lani Lupul, Growing Sensitive & Strong alumna

Frequently Asked Questions

Is "Growing Sensitive and Strong" worth the investment?

I get it, you want to be careful with the money you spend and invest your funds in the best way possible.

But here’s the deal…if you don’t invest in yourself, you won’t have the insights, knowledge, and support you need to finally become the confident HSP woman God created you to be.

And that is something your friends, family, church, and this world just cannot afford to miss.


One of the past Growing Sensitive & Strong participants put it this way:

“As missionaries, we are very thoughtful with our budget, so I was hesitant to invest the funds to participate, but after going through the program, I would tell you JUST DO IT! It was delightful, healing, and productive to participate in the program. I’ll be growing and applying all that was shared for a long time to come.” 

~ Growing Sensitive & Strong alumna

How much time will this take?

Life is busy for all of us, and Growing Sensitive & Strong isn’t just a sit-and-listen kind of thing.

Like anything else worth doing, you’ll receive as much as you put into the program.

That said, I know you want some details! You can expect to spend approximately 1 ½ hours per week to get the most out of the program.


“I hesitated to join because of the time required, but I wanted to know how to embrace being an HSP and not feel so vulnerable. After completing the program, I feel more “special” than “fragile,” and know that God has gifted me with these senses as a way to uniquely navigate life and love others. If you want to learn more about being an HSP, check it out! ”  

~ Growing Sensitive & Strong alumna

What if I have more questions?

Drop me a line at [email protected]

You could spend the rest of your life cycling between extremes

Telling yourself there’s something wrong with you.
That you just need to toughen up and push harder,
only to collapse and be forced to retreat
from everyone and everything so you can recover.


You could take a few weeks to gather the tools you need
to finally become the comfortable, confident HSP God created you to be,
in partnership with a compassionate, Jesus-loving coach
and a sisterhood of other women who get it.

Which will you choose?

“I hesitated to join because of the time required, but I wanted to know how to embrace being an HSP and not feel so vulnerable. After completing the program, I feel more “special” than “fragile,” and know that God has gifted me with these senses as a way to uniquely navigate life and love others. If you want to learn more about being an HSP, check it out!” 

Cate H., Growing Sensitive & Strong alumna