You’ve seen the memes:

You’ve heard the cliches:
- “Forgive and forget!”
- “Why can’t you let bygones be bygones?”
- “Allow the past to make you better, not bitter!”
- “Haven’t you moved on yet?”
- “Just let go and let God.”
You’ve watched other Christian women declare:
“I live with NO REGRET!”
And you’ve wondered:
How can she say that?!?
For those of us who are …

Knee-Jerk Apologizers
Emotion Laborers/Workers
“Control Freaks”
… it’s hard to imagine living with “no regret.”
Because regret isn’t simply WHAT WE DO.
… it’s become WHO WE ARE.
Candid Conversations about
Regret, Self-Recrimination, & Realizing
“It’s NOT All My Fault!”
a 6-week group coaching pilot program
* * * * *
Through 6 weeks of instruction, reflection, and discussion with a mentor who gets it — plus a small cohort of like-minded peers — you’ll learn how to:
TURN “let it go” and “just move on” from worn-out cliches into catalysts for growth.
CATCH a rumination cycle right as it’s starting, and shut it down fast.
PRACTICE self-compassion and self-forgiveness (but not self-indulgence).
METABOLIZE your intense emotions rather than being consumed or paralyzed by them.
HONOR your heart’s longing for Eternity amidst the angst of your imperfect history.
GET TO JESUS as fast as possible — no matter what you have (or haven’t) done.
All in a cooperative group setting.

I gained valuable insight and feedback from others that helped me see I’m not alone in this struggle! That was huge to me!!! I also gained real practical help to overcome the obstacles and find more peace in my relationship with God.
Meet Your Coach: Cheri Gregory

10 years ago, I publicly denounced Perfectionism for its abuses against generations of women in my family.
In the decade since, as I’ve faced dozens of hard truths — about what I’ve done, what I’ve not done, and what was done to me — God has been steadily redeeming my relationship with my #1 nemesis:
Although I’ll never claim to live with no regret, I can say that “getting to know regret” has changed everything … even aspects of my life I was 100% certain were beyond hope.
I’m the co-author of 5 books: You Don’t Have to Try So Hard, Overwhelmed, Exhale, Sensitive & Strong, and An Abundant Place; co-host of Grit ‘n’ Grace—THE PODCAST; and founder of Sensitive & Strong U. I’m also an international speaker for women’s retreats and educational conferences.
Cheri has a gift for breaking concepts down in ways that make them easy to relate to and understand. She gives real life illustrations that help me connect the dots. She has a way of naming things so we can have something concrete to work with.
Cheri is also a great facilitator. She knows how to ask questions that lead to rich discussion. She leads our Zoom sessions in such a way that we are all learning from each other and making connections as we have conversations and discuss the concepts and materials.
What you get in
Candid Conversations about
Regret, Self-Recrimination, & Realizing
“It’s NOT All My Fault!”
a 6-week group coaching pilot program

What you get:
- Initial “Regret & Self-Recrimination” assessment
- Several short instructional videos each week for 6 weeks
- Weekly 60-minute group coaching calls (see tentative topic schedule below)
- Reflection & application exercises between calls
- Cheri’s super-practical “Getting to K.N.O.W. Regret” reframing tool
When does the program begin and end?
The first instruction videos will be released the week of September 12, and the group coaching calls will start the week of September 19.
The program will conclude by the end of October.
When do the weekly group coaching sessions meet?
Each week there are three options. You’re welcome to attend one, two, or all three!
Coaching calls begin the week of September 19 on …
Tuesdays at 4:00 PM Pacific
Wednesdays at 10:00 AM Pacific
Thusday at Noon Pacific
… and run thru the end of October.
All calls will be recorded so you can watch any that you miss … and review sessions for added growth.
Your “Cafe Special” Rate
The “Cafe Special” rates shown below are available only to members of the Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe.
"CAFE SPECIAL" Pilot Pricing
Program Only- Get everything included in the group coaching program at pilot-only pricing.
- Get access to live group coaching calls and replay videos.
"CAFE SPECIAL" Pilot Pricing
Program + 1-to-1 Coaching*- Get everything included in the group coaching program at pilot-only pricing.
- Get access to live group coaching calls and replay videos.
- PLUS a 1-to-1 pre-program coaching call with Cheri.
- PLUS a 1-to-1 post-program coaching call with Cheri.
- Limited availability.
Oh, so many “lightbulb” moments! I took notes in blue ink, highlighted takeaways in pink, and starred lightbulb moments with my extra special green pen. The sections on identifying our fears and our self-limiting beliefs were so good. The time spent re-evaluating long-held beliefs and cultural norms was very freeing. And we got to do all this under Cheri’s excellent leadership and with the support of other women!
Current Schedule of Our Candid Conversation Topics
(open to revision)
Week 1: The Power of Words — Examining Our Definitions
Week 2: The Pause to Pray-cess — Engaging in Reflection
Week 3: The Myths & Counterfeits — Embracing the Truth
Week 4: The “Getting to K.N.O.W. Regret” Tool — Creating Your Process
Week 5: The 3 Most Common Scenarios — Customizing Your Strategies
Week 6: The Value of “Small Wins” — Celebrating Your Success

Although they were challenging for me as an introvert, the group coaching calls were my favorite part of this program because listening to the beautiful ladies share in real time gave me a better view of how God uses collaboration to provide real time revelation and insight that I need for growth and healthy connection.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the Zoom calls be held?
We continue to survey all participants and and create a Zoom schedule that meets everyone’s needs.
What’s Cheri like as an instructor/coach?
Here’s what past group coaching program participants have said in their post-program evaluations:
“Compassionate. Empathetic. Resonating. Honest. Candid. Delightful. Knowledgeable. Trustworthy.”
Cheri is very relatable and comfortable to talk to. She definitely is an excellent listener and made me feel like my contribution was just as important as everyone else. She is very good at making everyone see their value just through wanting to make sure everyone is heard and acknowledged. I can tell that she values people and their contributions. She sees the best in everyone and desires to bring that out in each of us.
“CONTENT! She delivers all the course knowledge that she invests in, receives personally and puts into practice. She is authentic in her walk.”
“Clear and structured information, uses strong phrases as reminders, open about different ways of participation”
“Has a wealth of information, yet very comfortable to relate to and have discussions with”
“Understanding, easy going, accepting, knowledgeable, kind, helpful, encouraging”
“Well, Cheri’s a very unique person. Everything she does is intentional. You kind of get the feeling that she’s unflappable from what you see of her, but she’s so honest about her short-comings that you can also understand she falls apart at times just like the rest of us. She’s always prepared, and she’s always adding things to her list to prepare. (For instance, when a concept comes up in discussion that she hadn’t thought about, she takes notes so she’ll remember to look up more info about it later.) She’s caring, encouraging, and a wealth of practical resources and ideas.”
“Inviting, accessible. Well-prepared, sharp!”
“So welcoming! Cheri has so much wisdom and knowledge to share, but always seems so humble and a learner herself. Great teacher!”
I really love Cheri as a teacher. She makes me feel normal and capable of moving forward even if I don’t have everything completely laid out. She helps me to see, through her beautiful spirit and authenticity, what a true God led business/ministry faith walk looks like as a Christian female HSP. I am so grateful that God led me to her because I can see myself in her, and seeing myself in Cheri helps me to accept and love myself even more for who I am. She is a wonderful teacher and story teller that definitely is allowing Jesus to shine through her and bring much needed healing to my HSP heart and soul.
I have more questions — how can I get them answered?
Drop me an eMail at [email protected] !
I really loved that the instruction was given via pre-recorded videos. I was able to watch them when I could really dig into the materials. Also, I could rewind to re-listen and that was such a great option to have! I loved having the topics broken up in each week where I could go back to a specific video vs. searching through a long one.